Monday, July 27, 2009

interesting post from my friend (for guys)

1. We only talk about our ex boyfriends to explain how much better YOU are than they were, no other reason.

2. IT'S THE TRUTH! We need a little challenge too. It's OK to act a little uninterested sometimes (don't go screwing some other chick or extreme behavior of the sort), we like to have to work to keep you by our side too. If you are too sweet, too fast, a girl could possibly lose interest.

3. We don't buy things because we expect gifts back, we are being genuinely nice.

4. Girls don't always want to hang out with girls. Just because we have guy friends does not mean that we want to be with them. We probably already had the chance and didn't take it.

5. If you mess up, we will almost always get angry before we actually calmly explain everything.

6. We do not all like dollies and pink. Do not treat us like we are fragile.

7. If we complain to you, it is because we confide in you, not because we want to torture you.

8. Don't expect us to make the same mistakes your ex did. If we do, it is not because there is some huge conspiracy against you. Maybe you are making a mistake, not us. Do not compare our mistakes to hers.

9. Girls get jealous too, usually worse than guys. We always feel like we have to fight for you, and will say anything mean about any girl you were speaking to, even if we never met her. Don't take offense, be glad we care so much about it.

Do not make promises or tell us you'll call when you know you'll forget or fall asleep. We will wait hours for that call. Just tell us you'll talk to us tomorrow.

11. if there's another girl, tell us. You might be surprised at our reaction. We don't all want to be serious either. It beats sneaking around.

12. We really do feel unattractive or overweight. There is a lot of competition out there. We need to be assured, even if its 600 times.

13. We don't search for compliments in the way you think. We are helping you by telling you exactly what we need to hear. Do not get annoyed, it will most likely cause an argument.

14. We want to hear we are prettier than the girl in the magazine, even if its not true. We don't think its cheesy. Stick to it, no matter how hard we push you.

15. We DO want to be called hot by you, just not all the time. Change it up.

16. We know you don't care about what happened in our day, but listen. It hurts us a lot when you don't pay attention.

17. We watch plenty of movies with you where girls remove clothing and do outrageously abnormal sexual things. When we ask you to watch a love story with us, we only want to spend time with you. It will not kill you, and it doesn't make you less of a man.

18. We don't mean to embarrass you. Don't get so angry with us when we do. We already feel terrible. We'll try not to next time.

19. Flowers and chocolate don't make everything better. You do.

20. We don't want to change you. We met you the way you are, and we love you. The suggestions are just that. We are used to changing a lot about our appearance, and mean not to offend you.

We are not all materialistic. Back rubs and making us dinner (even if its a sandwich because you can't cook!) are plenty sweet enough.

22. We like to pamper you, just don't take advantage.

23. Don't expect us to cook for you all the time. If we do, appreciate it, and let us know you do.

24. We don't really want a fairytale romance. You have your fantasy girls, we have our fantasy love. It's meant to stay that way. We want what's real, too.

25. We think you are the hottest guy in the world, no matter what anyone says, or what you do.

26. If you are a friend, do not ever agree with a girl when she calls her boyfriend anything along the lines of an asshole. Stand up for him and try to be positive. She may get mad initially, but she will later appreciate it and probably realize she was just overreacting. If she loves him, even if he really is a jerk, she will not take your advice to leave him. She will only do that when she feels she is ready to. If you try to convince her she will question your motives and may not want to speak to you.

27. Don't expect us to always come to you. We want you to come see us too.

28. We don't like to be nagged about where we are going or what we are doing either, but we usually hear you out.

29. We might let you go, but we are never "cool" wih you going to strip clubs. We are being very understanding by letting you go. It is advised that you be just as understanding about our feelings towards it. Please do not come home and tell us about it. We'll like to pretend it never happened.

30. Do not call us crazy. We are emotional and act in mysterious ways, but you are pushing a huge button when you call us crazy.

31. We go to the club to dance with our GIRL friends, not other guys. No, it is not the same if you go. We all know you are not dancing by yourself or with your guy friends. Be reasonable with your comparisons.

32. No, PMS is not an excuse, but we do not mean to be shitty to you. It IS a biological fact. Expect an apology, but you do not have the ability to sympathize with dealing with cramps or unstable emotions, so try to be understanding.

33. It is a general rule: Do not speak about other women in front of us. Women are apt to be much more insecure than men, and while we should not be talking about men in front of you either, you are setting yourself up for more of those "searching for compliment" questions. That, and its plain disrespectful. Just do it when we aren't around.

34. We will always get annoyed when you act cocky. We know who you really are and we love you. We will deal with it, but we absolutely detest it.

35. If you are a friend, respect your fellow man and do not attempt to woo her or try to get her to participate in questionable things. She will try to ignore it, but she HATES it.

36. We dress sexy because we want YOUR sexual attention, no one elses.

37. We don't put on makeup to impress anyone but ourselves. Do not worry if we put it on just to go to the store.

We may hang out all day with friends, and not call or talk to you, but at night, we just want to be next to you.

39. We like to have clean fun. What you may think is ridiculous and boring, we may actually find exciting, especially when we do it with closest friends. Don't try to understand. Just accept it.

40. When we cry, just listen. Even if you have no idea what we are talking about or saying. All we need is to feel heard.

41. Be careful when you roughhouse with us. We might act like we want you to really try, but we know you are stronger than us.

42. Not all girls are afraid to feel inferior to their man, just don't be condescending.

43. Tell us your fantasies. we want to fulfill them.

44. We probably like the same things you do in bed, you just haven't given us time to get comfortable with you. We aren't all freaks from the get-go. Give us a chance.

45. just because we don't have sex with you when you offer it doesn't mean we don't want to or we are trying to tease you. Our mothers taught us wisely. Be patient: if you can't, move on.

46. We aren't porn stars, do not hold such high standards.

47. unless you want us to treat you like you don't matter around OUR friends, don't treat US that way.

48. We're nice to your family because we want them to like us, so we can be closer to you. It does not always mean we like them.

49.Just because we say we love you doesn't mean we want to get married. You don't have to get sacred and run away. We'll understand if you don't feel that way too.Remember that we are emotional. We just need to know where we stand with you.

50. We're not trying to betray you when we ask your guy friends advice on our relationship with you. They know you best, and we're probably only saying good things about you anyway.

51. We don't expect you to be like the guys in the movies that romance the girl. We know life isn't like that. Don't worry so much about doing amazing things, just thoughtful things. For instance; cleaning dishes, spending the night alone, making the bed, or remembering something that she might forget. We appreciate that so much more.

52. Don't freak out about Valentine's day or anniversaries. If the girl is mad that you forgot your three month anniversary, she needs to grow up (move on, it's ok). Kisses, cards, and/or just a Happy Valentine's day hug are absolutely acceptable. We understand that you can't buy or do outrageous things.

53. Tell us what you want in bed. You are not as easy to figure out by reactions. If you want it, just ask.
Don't push it if she won't do it. She probably has good reason, and it will just make her feel terrible if she can't or isn't comfortable with doing it. We never want to deprive you.

54. It's ok to confide in us, even if you cry. We will not tell the world of your weaknesses or make you feel less masculine because of it.

55. We don't expect you to have 6 pack abs, nor do we really want you to. Like huge boobs and perfect asses, they are just nice to look at.

56. We don't want to hear about your past sexual endeavors. We really don't care how many people you've been with, just that you are with us now. However, we are naturally curious, and will ask questions. Don't EVER answer them. EVER. No matter what we say.

57. Hide your porn properly. We don't want to know that you have it or use it. It hurts to know that we may not be providing you with something that you need.

58. Girls snoop. Especially when we just meet you. We're sorry, but we automatically have no trust in you, and must find out for ourselves what you are like. A lot of us won't admit it, and may never tell you that we have. It's a terrible habit of which we are ashamed. Remember this when you have old photos or other things you do not want us to see in your room.

59. Most girls will just want you to be honest with them, even if it hurts. If you just want sex, make it clear. Not all girls need to be lied to to get them in bed. We like to have fun too. If the one you are going after is not interested, I'm sure there's another at the bar more than willing.

60. Do not sleep with a girl if she is drunk unless you are prepared for the worst drama of your life. She may deny it, she may own up to it, she may make you look like a schmuck to the entire town. Either way, know the consequences.